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Messages from Brothers, Current and Past.

How Has K∆P

Influenced You?

Ryan Rumer

​​I came across some really awesome guys that were brothers in the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity. I went to all the Rush events that they had and really felt like I gelled well with the older brothers. My three years apart of this fraternity has showed me that you want to treat everyone with the same amount of respect that you would want in return. These are the same people that you may have class with everyday or people that you may hold the door for. By doing these random acts of kindness it can really turn someone’s day around. I will be taking this virtue that our fraternity lives by on a daily basis.This was one decision I made in college that I will not regret when I wake up in the morning. The group of guys I got to know over the my three years apart of KDR can’t be written down on this paper because it would be at least 100 pages of memories that all of us endured as a brotherhood and will stay with the brotherhood for years to come. Thanks KDR Gamma Gamma chapter.

David Gonzalez Jr.

​​Joining Kappa Delta Rho has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had at York College. KDR has taught me the necessary academic, leadership, and social skills which will last a lifetime. I questioned the idea of Greek Life before coming to college and now I couldn't imagine how life would be if it wasn't for the experience and the brotherhood KDR has provided me. Any one considering KDR should take time to talk with any of our brothers you'll find we are very diverse and are not your typical social fraternity.

Dennis McLernan Jr.

Joining Kappa Delta Rho - Gamma Gamma Chapter was, withough a doubt, one of the most enlightening experiences of my life so far. The lessons I have learned and friendships I have made have been a once in a lifetime experience. Not only have a grown as an individual, I have also learned to become a part of something even more. Something that does good for both the school and surrounding community. My years in KDR will be something I cherish for the rest of my life.

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